Why did God take our loved one from us?

The loss of a loved one is a difficult and heart rending experience.  Such loss began with the choice of Adam. He chose to disobey God and the result has been an inherited reign of sin and death.  Romans 5:12  “Therefore, just as through [...]

Is deliverance a process?

Deliverance is a process, whether it is situational or ultimate.  There were numerous times that God “delivered” Israel from their enemies (situational).  See Joshua 6-Jericho, Judges 6 & 7-Gideon, 1 Samuel 17-David & Goliath. Deliverance, as a Christian, from sin and from this life [...]

What are the plans of God for us?

God’s plan for us and ALL of his creation is grander and more wonderful than anything we could ever imagine!   Our heavenly Father’s original design for a perfect universe filled with perfect beings has been in the process of fulfilment from before the creation [...]

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