How many miracles did Jesus perform?

The Bible records Jesus performing many miracles, and we can read specific details for approximately 35 of these. To help us remember them, we can break them down into four categories:HEALING: He made people well or whole 17 times.RAISING THE DEAD: He brought 3 [...]

What does it mean to be “slain in the spirit”?

“Slain in the Spirit” or “slaying in the Spirit” are not scriptural expressions. Some charismatic Christians use these phrases to describe an individual in religious ecstasy who falls to the floor when he is overcome by the power of the holy spirit. Religious ecstasy [...]

What are the gifts of the spirit?

The Apostle Paul records a lengthy explanation regarding the gifts of the spirit in 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14.  Paul specifically names the gifts of the spirit in 1 Corinthians 12: 8-11, “To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another [...]

Is there a healing creed?

Jesus and his apostles healed many people! Mark 6:13, “…And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.” But they did not heal themselves. The Apostle Paul prayed to be relieved from what appears to have [...]

What is the significance of Jesus turning water into wine ?

The miracle of turning water into wine, found in John 2:1-11, is the first recorded miracle of Jesus' public ministry.  It occurred while Jesus and his disciples were attending the wedding in Cana on the third day of the celebration. Apparently, Jesus’ mother, Mary, had a close [...]

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