What things did God create on the fifth day?

The Darby Translation is the most accurate, word-for-word translation of these verses. First note that the word "creatures" is the Hebrew word, nephesh, (H5314), and it means soul. Genesis 1:20-23 (DBY), 20 And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living souls, and let fowl [...]

What does the Bible have to about transgender?

Biological Information: One's gender is determined by genes at conception. Females have XX genes, while males have XY genes. Surgery and hormones cannot transform the numerous differences between sexes. In fact, for those dear people who do undergo sex reassignment treatment, the emotional and [...]

Help me with my fear of death.

1 John 4:16 tells us about the character of God: "God is love." Two verses later we find out that "perfect love casts out fear." As we focus on God's character, we realize that His plans for all of mankind are good. 1 Timothy [...]

I have lost faith in God. What can I do?

You are not alone. When God does not fulfill our expectations, it can lead to a loss of faith. Many times people expect God to heal a loved one, or save a marriage, or fix some circumstance. When God does not do what the [...]

What is the tree of knowledge?

The Bible does not give us a description of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, we do believe it was a literal tree with literal fruit which looked appealing. Genesis 3:6 (NIV), "the fruit of the tree was good for food [...]

Do gays and lesbians get a life with God as they are?

Practicing homosexuality is forbidden in the Bible. (Leviticus 20:13) Our hearts go out to those struggling with these feelings. Those dear ones will need to lead a celibate life. (Please recognize: many heterosexuals are also celibate. Celibacy is practiced for a variety of different [...]

Why did Jesus select only men to be his apostles?

There are 24 “apostles” listed in the New Testament: 1. Simon Peter (Matthew 10:2, Luke 6:14)2. Andrew, Peter’s brother (Matthew 10:2, Luke 6:14)3. James, son of Zebedee (Matthew 10;2, Luke 6:14)4. John, James’ brother (Matthew 10:2, Luke 6:14)5. Philip (Matthew 10:3, Luke 6:14) 6. Bartholomew, Philip’s [...]

What is the meaning of life?

Jesus prayed, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent," John 17:3. The more we know the character of God and of Jesus; the closer we walk with them in intimate [...]

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