Why did God call Himself, "I AM THAT I AM"?

  God wanted to assure Moses and Israel that God would become what they would need Him to become.  In using the words “I AM THAT I AM,” God used an expression to reveal to Moses a promise and pledge found in His name. [...]

If God created us, why did He let some of us be uneducated?

God created man in His image and likeness. Every man has a chance to progress. However, the development of different civilizations and countries have varied. Hence, the availability of public education differs between countries even today. People consider formal education very important. But does [...]

How do I know that I'm a true Christian?

First a person needs to recognize that he is a sinner, accept Jesus as his savior and renounce his own will to do God's will (Matthew 16:24). When God accepts this dear one into sonship, he is spirit begotten. God's spirit will slowly transform him into Christ-likeness. How does this happen? [...]

How and when did Jesus make us children of God?

A child of God is righteous and is part of God’s holy family. First consider different examples of sons of God. Angels are sons of God. Job 1:6, “Now there was a day when the sons of God (angels) came to present themselves before the LORD, [...]

How can I be fruitful according to Matthew 13?

Jesus teaches the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:3-23.  In this parable, soil quality represents heart condition.  If the good seed (gospel /Kingdom message) falls on good ground (an honest, humble heart), it will bear much fruit (a Christ-like character).  “…the fruit of [...]

How can I receive the Holy Spirit?

Some people think that the Holy Spirit is a person, but let’s look at how the word “spirit” is used in the Bible. In the Old Testament, “spirit” is the Hebrew word ruach which is literally translated as “wind or breath” such as in [...]

Is there a significance to number 40?

Numbers can often carry a meaning in the Bible. The meaning is derived from a pattern of usage throughout the Scriptures. The number forty appears 146 times in the Bible and it is usually associated with a period of testing and hardship. The number [...]

Who or how does one correct a leader?

“Against an Elder receive not an accusation, except at the mouth of two or three witnesses.” 1 Timothy 5:19The Apostle in this statement recognizes two principles. (1) That an Elder has already been recognized by the congregation as possessing a good and noble character and devoted [...]

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