We know what becomes of the obedient and disobedient, but there is another class, which really cannot be called obedient nor yet disobedient. I mean the irresponsible, and they who love this present world and have not even a desire to know what God requires of them, and which, in my opinion, form the vast majority of mankind even in this enlightened age (so-called). What becomes of them?

The answering of this question involves the consideration of the doctrines of "Election" and "Free Grace," both clearly taught in the scriptures, as all Bible Scholars recognize. It is only within recent years that the beautiful harmony existing between these two doctrines has been [...]

If a man has lived a sinful life, committed murder and robbed the widows and orphans, etc., and then at the last moment, with his dying breath, confesses his sins and accepts Christ as his Savior, will he not go immediately to Heaven and be with the Lord in glory?

When we think of the vast numbers of vicious, depraved characters, hardened criminals, convicts, etc., who at the solicitation of clergymen and religious devotees have "made their peace with God" at the last moment before being ushered into eternity by electrocution or by dying [...]

I have just lost a dear little girl who never was baptized. I am about mad with grief and sorrow. Some people tell me that she is lost to all eternity and may possibly now be writhing in eternal torture. I have called in our minister and he only shakes his head in doubt. I have also talked with ministers of other denominations and can get no consolation.

We appreciate your sorrow and anxiety. Many mothers have been comforted by the Lord's word found in `Jer. 31:15`. "Thus saith the Lord, A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children, because they were not." (They were [...]

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