What happened at the Last Supper? ( Part 2)

My name is Peter, one of Jesus’ apostles. I was at the last supper with our Lord and I can describe it to you. To remember how God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, Jewish people have a celebration every year [...]

What happened at the Last Supper? (Part 1)

My name is Peter, one of Jesus’ apostles. I was at the last supper with our Lord and I can describe it to you. To remember how God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, Jewish people have a celebration every year [...]

How can God see everything?

It’s difficult for our imperfect, human brains to fully understand everything that God can do. Isaiah 55:8 NIV says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. To understand how God can see everything that’s [...]

How can we fight fear?

Everybody is afraid of something. Even the people we admire in the Bible felt fear! In Luke (2:9), the shepherds were afraid when an angel came to tell them about the birth of Jesus. In Mark (4:40), while Jesus slept, Jesus’ disciples [...]

Who made God?

It may be hard to understand, but nobody made God. Psalms says, “Before the mountains were born, or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” “Everlasting” means that God was always there. He has existed forever. [...]

Why do we die?

In the beginning, God created everything. The best part of his earthly creation was the first man, Adam. Adam’s wife Eve was created using one of Adam’s ribs. Adam and Eve were perfect, and lived in a beautiful place called the Garden [...]

Why doesn`t God speak directly to us anymore?

God treats people differently based on the situation and the time period in which they live. In early biblical times, God understood that people needed to hear His voice directly or through angels and prophets in order to believe in His power because [...]

Why do we go to church?

We go to church to worship God together with other Christians, and to have fellowship, or friendship, with them.   Church is a special, quiet place away from our busy lives where we can concentrate on learning more about our Heavenly Father and [...]

What did Jesus look like?

Unfortunately, we have no photographs of Jesus, so we don’t really know. However, we can make some reasonable guesses based on what the Bible tells us about him and his life. Since Jesus was a carpenter, he probably had strong arms. In Matthew [...]

What is the story of Jesus` birth?

The story begins with a young Jewish woman named Mary, who was engaged to a man named Joseph. The angel Gabriel visited Mary, and told her she would have a son named Jesus. God used his power - his Holy Spirit - to [...]

Did Jesus ever do anything wrong?

Never! As God’s only son, he was perfect and never made any mistakes. He was kind and humble. He didn’t brag about himself or his accomplishments. He didn’t bully anybody or make fun of anyone. He loved ALL people, and performed many miracles [...]

How can we be more thankful to God?

  How can we be more thankful to God? When we think about God and everything He created for us, we can’t help but feel thankful and want to tell him in prayer. James (1:17) says, “Every good and perfect gift is [...]

What is the holy spirit?

The Bible describes the holy spirit as being the invisible power or influence of God. God gave most of us five senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. The Holy Spirit is like a very “special sense” that God gives to faithful Christians [...]

Why did God create human beings?

Life is a great blessing! Because our God is a God of love, he wanted to give the gift of life to many others, which is why he created his human family. Someday, in God’s Kingdom, everyone will experience the joy of living [...]

Who is Satan?

In his heavenly creation, there was an especially beautiful angel, named Lucifer. He decided he wanted to be as important as God and take control of God’s human family. This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to https://christianquestions.com

How can we praise God?

"To praise" means to express warm admiration. It's always appropriate to praise our Heavenly Father! There are many ways to show Him our appreciation for everything He does for us. Singing hymns is also a wonderful way to praise and honor God. Hymns [...]

When did the dinosaurs live?

Did the dinosaurs live during the time Adam and Eve were alive?This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to https://christianquestions.com

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