Is everyone going to heaven?

Let's start by defining heaven.  In scripture, heaven can be represented literally or symbolically.  Literally it can mean the sky or atmosphere around earth, the visible universe (stars, etc.) or it can mean the abode of God.  Symbolically it can mean the religious powers [...]

What becomes of the soul at death? Is it put into the grave with the body, or does it fly away in a disembodied state, and go soaring around through space, waiting and longing for the time to come when it can get back into its body (put on its clothes again, so to speak) at the resurrection?

There is much confusion of thought regarding this matter. Many are disposed to express the matter wrongly by saying that they have a soul in place of saying that they are a soul. There is considerable difference in having a cow and being a [...]

Do you mean to say that the spirit of the Thief, who died upon the cross when the Lord Jesus was crucified, remained in the grave with his body? If so, do the spirits of our dear friends, who turned to Christ in this life, remain with their bodies in the grave until the return of our Lord?

The inspired writers of the Bible tell us just what became of the spirit of the thief who died upon the cross. And they also tell us what becomes of the spirits of those who were devoted followers of Christ and were faithful even [...]

When will the world come to an end?

According to the Scriptures the term "world" signifies age or dispensation. Three great worlds are outlined in the Divine Plan of the Ages, as revealed in the Bible. (See `2 Pet. 3:5-13`.) The first "world" or dispensation passed away at the time of the [...]

`Heb. 11:5`, we read that Enoch was translated that he should not see death. Then in the `13th verse` we read that these all DIED in faith, referring to those mentioned in the preceding verses. Would this include Enoch among those mentioned? And if so please harmonize the two statements.

From the Genesis statement (`Gen. 5:22-24`) and the Apostles' words in the 5th verse of this 11th chapter of Hebrews, (`Heb. 11:5`) we are inclined to believe that the Lord translated Enoch that he should not see death; that in some way Enoch's life [...]

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