Can you explain the words of the Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 7:14): "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the (believing) wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the (believing) husband; else were your children unclean (sinners under condemnation, unjustified, unrelated to God, aliens from His care and blessing) but now are they holy"?

The disobedience and alienation of Adam and Eve from the Heavenly Father brought alienation to all their offspring. Whereas, the reconciliation of the Lord's people through the merits of the great atonement brings them back to harmony with God. Their children as well are [...]

If the "sons of God" (Genesis 6:4) were the angels who left their former habitation or first estate – the spiritual realm (Jude 3) – how is it that they could marry the "daughters of men" and have children since it is understood from the words of our Master (Matthew 22:30) that the angels are sexless?

From many scriptures, it is apparent that spirit beings have had the power of materializing as human beings. This materialization is complete, as the following citations indicate, showing that these materialized beings could eat and drink and perform all of the functions of the [...]

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